

Introduction to Lavitha Vaz

Lavitha Vaz, Founder, PariPosha, and part our first Firestarter cohort, talks about herself and what her startup does

Message for startups considering The Firestarter from Lavitha Vaz

Lavitha Vaz, Founder, PariPosha and part our first Firestarter cohort, discusses how other startup founders can benefit from the program

Suggestions for The Firestarter Program from Lavitha Vaz

Lavitha Vaz, Founder, PariPosha, and part our first Firestarter cohort, highlights where there could have been more inputs within the Program

Lavitha Vaz deep dives into The Firestarter Program

Lavitha Vaz, Founder, PariPosha, and part our first Firestarter cohort, discusses how specific aspects of the Program resonated with her startup

Lavitha Vaz on how The Firestarter Program was structured

Lavitha Vaz, Founder, PariPosha, and part our first Firestarter cohort, puts across her thoughts on how the Program was structured

Lavitha Vaz on implementing The Firestarter Program in her startup

Lavitha Vaz, Founder, PariPosha, and part our first Firestarter cohort, mentions how she will be incorporating specific aspects of the Program into her startup

Why free POCs are a bad idea

Are you frequently sending out free POCs? Here’s why you shouldn’t do so, except in specific circumstances

Navin Thangiah, MobileOffize

Listen to Firestarter cohort, Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder, MobileOffize as he talks about his business and how the Program benefited him.

Navin Thangiah | MobileOffize | Message to Startup

Find out what our first Firestarter cohort Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder, MobileOffize, has to say to startups who are considering enrolling in the Program

Introduction – Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize

Introduction to Navin Thangiah, Co-Founder MobileOffize and part of our first Firestarter cohort

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