Working when resources are constrained

“Do more with less”. This is a “mantra” you will hear in time of economic uncertainty. It applies to big companies and #startups. Maybe more so with startups, because most are already resource constrained. There are a lot of things that #productmanagers and #founders can do. Arguably the most important thing is to prioritize. This […]

AI: challenges and opportunities for PMs

#ai is changing the world, especially the tech world. For people who are #productmanagers this creates both challenges and opportunities: Challenges – In most cases, your product strategy must evolve and likely change. – If you don’t have a natural language interface, it’s time to consider one. – If you are data crunching heavy, then […]

Challenges faced by startups

Every #founder who builds a product #startup wants this: Scaling a product startup from a small operation to a venture-scale company. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are some pesky challenges related to development practices and technology that can make this journey a bit rough. Here are some of the common problems and […]

Startups, you still need a solid strategy!

There, finally someone used the “S*&^%” word for a #startup. Nothing sensational or unsafe -:) It’s about #strategy. Many startups and even large companies lack this, or lose it over time. It’s critical to check every quarter (maybe faster if you are just starting), whether your business goals, product and where resources are being spent […]

6 Reasons Why Startups Fail to Scale

Scaling a startup is a challenging endeavour that requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and effective execution. While many startups dream of reaching the dizzy heights of success, the reality is that a significant number of them fail to successfully scale. Here  we explore the top six reasons why startups struggle to scale and provide expert […]

The Transition from Hustle to Structure: Scaling Beyond $1M in Revenue

When I lived in the US they used to say, “Earning your first $1M is the hardest.” That may be true for individuals. However, it isn’t true for startups and product businesses. Getting to your first million in revenue is easier than going from $1M to $10M if you’re a product startup. The early revenue […]

Mastering Change: Transitioning from Startup Hustle to Structured Growth

Change is hard. Changing your mindset is harder. This is likely one of the hardest things to do for startup founders. However, the eventual scale and success of the business may depend on this. When you are a startup you’ll do whatever it takes to get the product built.  You might end up coding, building […]

Why Process Matters? The Key To Scaling Up

The path to creating great products isn’t solely dependent on innovation, experience, value, or celebrity entrepreneurs; it heavily relies upon people and processes. This holds particularly true for businesses aiming to scale up their operations, whether they are startups or new projects within a larger corporation. The kind of team and process required at this […]