Supercharge Your ABM Strategy with Competitive and Account Intelligence: A Game-Changer for Sales Leaders

Introduction Account-Based Marketing (ABM) isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the ultimate strategy for targeting your high-value accounts with laser precision. But to turn ABM into your secret weapon, you need more than just the basics. Enter competitive intelligence and account intelligence. These two power tools can transform your ABM game, giving you the edge to outsmart […]

Unlock Unstoppable Customer Loyalty: Master Competitive Intelligence for Ultimate Retention

Can a company succeed and grow without happy customers? Companies today must prioritize customer success and leverage competitive intelligence to retain customers and achieve business growth. Here’s how you can master competitive intelligence to boost customer retention and foster loyalty.   Why Customer Success is Your Secret Weapon Customer success management is more than just […]

How Fresh is Your Competitor Analysis? Do You Need to Refresh It?

For product managers, product marketers, and sales teams, relying on stale competitor analysis is like navigating with an outdated map. Rapid shifts in market dynamics, evolving customer preferences, and technological leaps can render old insights obsolete. So, how do you know when it’s time to refresh your competitor analysis? Let’s dive into why up-to-date monitoring […]

How product teams and marketing teams are using competitor analysis

The purpose of competitor analysis is to get better at winning in the market. The way you do it is to gather as much information as can be attained about what competitors are doing. The next step in going about it is to conduct a thorough analysis. This will help you evaluate the gaps and […]

The Art of B2B Pricing: Aligning Price with Value in a Competitive Landscape

Many #startup and new products usually claim to be “disruptive” There is one thing you want to avoid (or be cautious of) disrupting Even if you are a far better product   That is your pricing model   This is especially true for #b2b from my own experience in working with over 50 clients Here […]

The Human Touch in a Tech-Driven World: Why Product Fundamentals Never Go Out of Style

It has become fashionable to talk about how the world has changed Especially after #AI and more importantly the arrival of #LLMs Some people are already talking about replacing developers, QA .. And maybe event #productmanagers Of course, there is hype and jobs are changing or evolving But there are a few things that remain […]

Compete Wiser, Not Harder: The Power of Account, Competitor, and Buyer Intelligence

This picture is not uncommon in #b2b When you are trying to win a decent size enterprise or mid market deal You have put your best foot forward, killer demo, connect with executives Yet deal is dragging, there seems to be something missing, but you can’t tell what?   Sales is eventually responsible But can […]

Product Differentiation in a Crowded Market

Many “experts” are claiming that #product differentiation is dead Your competition can build the same capability quickly So you should focus on #gotomarket and distribution I disagree with these experts   Maybe there is some truth to it if you are building an app that is commodity If your software is effectively like soap/shampoo/chips – […]

Unlocking Hidden Potential: The Power of Looking Inward for Growth Strategies

Over a decade ago I was working at a very large software company Our team’s objective was to help a $2B+ product portfolio grow in double digits (>10%) Market growth was in high single and this portfolio was growing in low single (~3%)   We started off with product comparison Competitors were a shade better […]