Why security is critical to product building

Security breaches and data theft headlines dominate global news every few days. The worldwide cost of this to business is estimated in USD trillions. Same holds true for India. In recent times, many large scale data breaches occurred. In some cases companies discovered the theft only after customer data was put up for sale on […]

You have to put in the hard yards

Is product management training a waste of time? Ever since being a product manager has become cool? Maybe I am kidding myself but certainly it has become a highly desirable role – some would call it one of the hottest careers. 🙂 The number of training courses and certifications has multiplied. There are even programs […]

Are you falling in the feature trap?

This is a trap that too many technical product leaders fall in. Sometimes they overrule marketing. They do so at their own peril. Not long ago I worked with a company that had a successful product. It had evolved over the years and done well. Then some of the people came up with another product. […]

What does a product roadmap have in common with an elephant?

No, this is not the beginning of a PJ. It is something you can actually put to use. An elephant has two types of teeth: the external facing tusks and the internal ones. The tusks are often big and add a certain pizazz. The internal ones are functional and do the grind. Literally. 🙂 Startups […]

The journey from product manager to leader

If you ask a parent with more than one child, which child do you love the most? They will have a tough time answering. I was the father of only one child then but I found myself in a similar situation when I went from being a product manager to leading a team of product […]