From good to great: creating 'super' product leaders
The ProdZen Insights | Vol. IX | August 2021

To build great products you need a capable team, product thinking and excellent product managers.

Whether you are a founder or heading a business, product leaders can have an outsized impact.

Product management is now one of the hottest jobs in the tech industry. Despite this being a high demand opportunity, supply is yet to catch up. Training courses and certifications are coming up all the time. Unfortunately, training alone doesn’t turn people into product managers – and rarely into excellent product managers.

A lot of it requires experiential learning. More importantly, to improve after getting a start, you need to learn continuously.

Start off with the hard skills – tech, domain, design, user stories, and market analysis. Move on to the soft skills – team building, leading with context, negotiating, presenting. Curiosity, creativity and soft skills can also take you to higher levels.

With this in mind we have launched a program to help get PMs from standard to super – from good to great. This program will help anyone already in the role to get better.

In addition to the open training, we have also launched a confidential coaching program for those who would like to accelerate their career and business.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you during your product journey, schedule a consultation.

As always do get in touch with your thoughts and feedback.

Happy building and scaling.

Founder, The ProdZen

Learn more about how we work with product founders to overcome challenges and help them scale, grow and succeed.

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