Firestarter – For Intrapreneurs

Have you got creative ideas within your organization?

Have you developed an idea? Pitched it to your bosses? Conducted a pilot test?

Or are somewhere in between?

Whether you are part of a mid or large sized business, we can help.

Our latest Firestarter program focuses on intrapreneurs and mid-large sized businesses looking to move in a new direction.

It provides flexible support across the board.

This could be from creating a product mindset or product thinking.

Or innovative ways of solving problems and finding target markets

To ideation and conceptualizing — it’s all there.

We can even customize our program to suit your needs and allow you to decide which aspects are most suitable for you.

And we don’t just give you a lot of information and leave you hanging.

We’ll work you with to gain clarity on different aspects of where your idea or business is and help you forge the right path.

Our program follows a 3E approach and works hand-in-hand with intrapreneurs to assess and address specific problems and how best to overcome them and move forward.

  • Educate: deliver relevant training and information
  • Evaluate: work on exercises jointly to help apply relevant learnings
  • Elevate: coaching, guiding and hand-holding to raise the level at which you are playing the game

With over 20 years of experience, our experts are industry veterans, having already built and consulted in over 50 products, and supported businesses across global locations.

Building products or offering services as an intrapreneur in an organization can be very exciting. But it also comes with a lot of hard work and responsibility.

Pitching your product or service ideas to the higher-ups can be daunting and requires a clear mind and direction.

Whether it is creating a product or building a business case and even helping scale and adopt – we are here to help you on the intrapreneurship journey.

Please fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch.

Want to know more? Read our FAQs

Leaders, innovators, product managers in mid to large organizations that are building or considering building a product and scaling it.
The program will offer a 6-8 week cohort based course to look at all aspects of building and scaling a product including building a business case for internal stakeholders.
Absolutely. We will learn more about your organization and the teams through a discovery workshop and tailor the program length and content to suit your needs.

The program cost will vary based on size of cohort, content and length of the program. Please reach out via the above form or Contact Us

The program will be led by our founder, Kaustubh Patekar along with industry experts. Additional experts may be invited based on the organization needs and focus.

Please fill out the form or Contact Us