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Welcome to CompeteWiser, your one-stop solution for competitor analysis. We give your business a competitive edge by providing customized analysis and insights for sales, product teams, and executives. To stay ahead of the curve, contact us now!

Why Competitor Intelligence Tool

When we say ‘traditional method,’ what comes to your mind? Tiring, boring, cumbersome, and repetitive, isn’t it? It can be tedious and frustrating to rely heavily on a method like this. Often, you miss out on data about your key competitors and their strategies, and end up wasting your valuable time. But not anymore. CompeteWiser is here to solve these problems for you. Our innovative solution streamlines and makes this process effortless. With just a few clicks, we provide you with accurate and insightful information in a fraction of the time.

How we can help you

At CompeteWiser, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the competition. That’s why we offer a comprehensive competitor analysis solution that helps you understand your competitors and their strategies. Whether you are from a product team, sales, or an executive, it can be used across multiple industries.  We provide a detailed analysis of your competitors’ positioning, branding, marketing campaigns, and more. With our insights, you can make informed decisions on how to stay ahead in your market. Contact us today to learn more!

Analyze why you lose/win deal

Get insights from trusted sources

Know your competitor's product offering

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Competitor Analysis

What if you could evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors? This is exactly what a competitor analysis is. We provide you with essential insights into your competitors’ strategies, products, and customers. By analyzing this information, you can identify areas of improvement and stay ahead of the competition. This analysis will not only help you make informed business decisions but also develop effective marketing campaigns, and keep up with the latest industry trends.


Imagine getting a concise and informative document that provides you with all the information that you need to know about your competitors. This invaluable tool is called a battle card. It includes an in-depth analysis of your products and services, marketing strategies, pricing, and your overall strengths and weaknesses. Using this will easily enable you to gain a competitive advantage by knowing which competitor(s) you are up against and how you can use this knowledge to differentiate yourself from them.

How our solution works
Who we serve

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We gather information from trusted sources like your website, LinkedIn, business reports, etc. 

We have customized pricing tailored to your needs. 

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