Accelerate your business with IP building
The ProdZen Insights | Vol. XIV | January 2022

Did you know TCS’ products and platforms business is worth about USD 3bn despite it being among the largest IT services providers globally?

So how does it do this? Well, TCS uses its intellectual capital and human capital to build impactful, customized technology and business solutions that address customers’ business problems. These solutions bring in high quality revenue, power industry-led organic growth and margins, thus, boosting its financial capital.

Any small or large IT service company can do the same by using intellectual and human capital. In fact, IP building can help businesses differentiate themselves from the competition with pre-built solutions, deliver faster time to value and reduce risk. IP building can also lead to higher margins, faster cycles, and higher rates of success.

However, undertaking this requires the right mindset, skills in place, and strategic thinking and partnerships.

To help businesses along this journey we have created our Accelerate with IP – Playbook, which provides the basis of how to leverage IP for faster growth and drive your business with products, platforms, and accelerators. Get your copy here.

As usual, we encourage you to share your comments and feedback.

Happy building and scaling.

Founder, The ProdZen

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